Whatever you do, DON’T SAY THIS to a Mother of Boys

Whether you’re raising boys or girls, parenting is widely known as the most amazing, exhausting, trying, endearing, rewarding journey.  For some reason, it’s also a journey that people – random people in the grocery store or the post office – feel the need to comment on. Those people you’ve never met who touched your belly …

Boymoms tell all: 10 universal truths you need to know about raising boys

Who needs “a lot of coffee and a good vacuum?”  Boymoms do!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you remember why I started this blog?  Because I’m a proud (and often flustered!) Mother of Boys (M.O.B.), and I know there’s a strong connection to be made with other M.O.B.s who share the adventure.  In 2018, M.O.B. Truths conducted a survey with …