Occupying kids of different ages, no screens involved

Screen time rules: How to occupy kids of different ages, no screens involved

Screen time:  It’s like profanity in some houses, blasphemy in others.  Here, it’s a way of life.  It’s part of making it work as a working mom of three boys, trying to get through each day with some semblance of sanity. I remember the days when “let’s make a Hot Wheels car parade!” or “let’s …

Nature vs. Nurture: When Ordinary Happenings Become Full-Contact Sports (plus, a GIVEAWAY treat!)

Nature vs. nurture?  Not even a question in my mind.  I was enlightened when I became a Mother of Boys (M.O.B.).  For anyone out there still debating nature vs. nurture, I know the answer.  It’s nature, people!  Nine years into being a M.O.B., I am still mind-blown by the otherwise ordinary activities that play out …

Helicopter Parenting: How to Land Your Aircraft for Good

“Helicopter parenting.  Don’t be a helicopter parent.”  Through the years, I’ve heard the phrase and the disdain that comes with it as other parents judge your completely “everything-must-be-perfect-for-my-baby” style of parenting.  But I didn’t quite know what it really entailed until recently. I was at a playdate with three good friends of mine, each of …