boys vacation

Vacation with Boys: What I (re-)learned . . . again

boys vacation
So much for a #boymom to learn while vacationing with boys!

You may have read my post-vacation summary last summer, Vacation with Boys: What I (re-)learned.  Here we are again, after another family vacation . . . where I re-learned again things that I should have known to expect as a M.O.B. (Mother of Boys).    For Part 4 of 4 in my Disney Family Vacation series, I’ve captured the learnings for you.  Can you relate?

  • Time spent waiting in line is perfect for hitting siblings and for climbing on the dividers keeping the line organized.
boys climg
Vacation with Boys: Climbing
  • At least once, you will be certain you are the loudest people at the hotel. You likely ARE the loudest people at the hotel.
  • Somebody’s swimsuit will fall down, and someone’s little bare tushy will make other guests laugh.
  • You will learn to appreciate the 2’x2’ square space between the toilet, the bathroom door and the shower as your serenity space.  Your M.O.B. spa.  Your only sanctuary away from the chaos just a door away.
  • You are the only female in a hotel room full of males. You cannot possibly change clothes (or tampons, for that matter) fast enough to not be caught.
  • Sand will be thrown (even if you’re not at the beach).
  • Farts.  They’re still funny.
  • Noses will be picked.
pick nose
Noses will be picked
  • Hammocks are for swinging wildly.
  • Again, you will be the only one who seems to care about wearing a shirt.
  • Walking to a restaurant can be a full contact sport.
  • Wrestling.  Then more wrestling.  Enough said.
boys wrestle
Wrestling. Then more wrestling.
  • But at the end of a busy and fun day, laden with tantrums and yelling and laughter and rides and family time and fights, boys still like to snuggle their mommies.

I hope you’ve laughed and learned with my 4-part Disney Family Vacation Series!  Family vacations are fun . . . and funny.

#mobtruths #boymom #parenting #familyvacation

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  1. Oh wow! I wonder how much of this happens with three girls — we need to find a mommy to write the girl version of this ?
    Sahar recently posted…A True Measure of Good ParentingMy Profile

    1. admin says:

      Agreed! I actually took a picture of some little girls waiting patiently and quietly in line to meet a Disney character, while all the boys in the line were climbing and hitting . . .

  2. This made me laugh so hard! I fear we have the opposite situation in my family – my poor husband is vastly outnumbered. Your post inspired me to come up with the things I learn on vacation, too. Thanks for the laugh!
    Catherine @ Ten Thousand Hour Mama recently posted…Springtime family activities: Portland’s rhododendron gardenMy Profile

    1. admin says:

      Oh, great! I can’t wait to read your list! We should compare notes! 🙂

  3. I don’t know how you don’t lose your mind.

    Looking back I’m sure it will be funny – like it is for us who don’t experience it.

    But it must be exhausting. I can just imagine the naughtiness that waiting in a queue can help brew.

    Well done on raising them and remaining sane!!!
    Michal recently posted…Passmore Reserve, A popular North Manly PlaygroundMy Profile

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