Boymoms tell all: 10 universal truths you need to know about raising boys

Who needs “a lot of coffee and a good vacuum?”  Boymoms do!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you remember why I started this blog?  Because I’m a proud (and often flustered!) Mother of Boys (M.O.B.), and I know there’s a strong connection to be made with other M.O.B.s who share the adventure.  In 2018, M.O.B. Truths conducted a survey with …

Working Mom Guilt hits extra-hard in the summer, as we don't want to miss a moment of discovery or summer fun

Summer’s here . . . and so is working mom guilt. Here are 5 ways to cope.

Summer break!  It’s time when kids everywhere enjoy vacation homes, family time, lazy days of sleeping late, breakfast on the back patio, and then splashing in sprinklers all day.  Or, in the case of many working moms like me . . . kids are at summer camp.  Don’t get me wrong – my boys love …