Nature vs. Nurture: When Ordinary Happenings Become Full-Contact Sports (plus, a GIVEAWAY treat!)

Nature vs. nurture?  Not even a question in my mind.  I was enlightened when I became a Mother of Boys (M.O.B.).  For anyone out there still debating nature vs. nurture, I know the answer.  It’s nature, people!  Nine years into being a M.O.B., I am still mind-blown by the otherwise ordinary activities that play out …

mother of boys

Raising Boys: “But I expected to have girls”: Becoming a M.O.B. for the second time

Raising Boys.  It’s not what I expected, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I remember a few days after getting home from the hospital when my second son was born, my brother- and sister-in-law came to visit and meet their new nephew.  My husband greeted them downstairs with our 2-year-old while I was …