OK, it’s August. I get it – school where we live starts later this month. But this year, as I’m bombarded with constant reminders of the impending first day of school (TV ads, in-store displays, radio ads, social media, and kids saying it’s not fair it starts so soon), I find myself wondering . …
All you need for the best family vacation
Another summer, another family vacation. We head to Cape Cod every year and stay at the same place, with the same friends. It’s tradition. And I love it. The kids have been there enough times now that they feel comfortable and confident walking around the resort, and they get so excited at the thought of …
Hey, obnoxious youth sports parents: LISTEN UP and SIMMER DOWN
I’m not one to complain a lot. But when my husband calls me from a kids’ hockey tournament and tells me about the competing team’s parents taunting my kid’s team (these are 8-10-year old players, by the way), shouting profanity, and being downright horrible role models, my blood boils. So, here’s my uncharacteristic rant. I’m hoping …
When “just a little bit of peanut sauce” teaches a lot
It’s OK to watch them breathe. To just sit there, watching their tiny chests move up and down. To feel their breath on your hand. To ask them repeatedly to say the words, “I’m OK, Mommy,” just so you can be sure. That’s what I did on the way to the hospital tonight. See, my …
Double Digits Already? How I’m Making Moments Meaningful
This article originally appeared on Her View From Home with the title “You May Be Growing and Changing, but You’ll Always Be My Baby.” You know how people change, but deep down, really, they don’t? This is my eldest son when he was 4 years old . . . and now. Those curls! He’s still got them. …
Whatever you do, DON’T SAY THIS to a Mother of Boys
Whether you’re raising boys or girls, parenting is widely known as the most amazing, exhausting, trying, endearing, rewarding journey. For some reason, it’s also a journey that people – random people in the grocery store or the post office – feel the need to comment on. Those people you’ve never met who touched your belly …
Hockey Mom 101: 7 Must-Have Tips for the New Hockey Mom
It’s official: I’m now a Sports Mom — a Hockey Mom, to be exact. For may years, I was certain my boys weren’t going to get into sports (which was totally ok by me), but here I am. E’s passion for hockey is awesome. But I have a lot to learn! For any other new …
Boymoms tell all: 10 universal truths you need to know about raising boys
Who needs “a lot of coffee and a good vacuum?” Boymoms do!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you remember why I started this blog? Because I’m a proud (and often flustered!) Mother of Boys (M.O.B.), and I know there’s a strong connection to be made with other M.O.B.s who share the adventure. In 2018, M.O.B. Truths conducted a survey with …
Simple Resolutions Even a Busy Mom Can Keep (updated!)
I originally published the post below on December 2017, and decided it was time to review it and see how I did. I’m certainly a busy mom (I think parenting is busy no matter what!), so I wanted to see if I was actually able to keep up with my resolutions. Read the below, and …
Fortnite: Friend or Foe
Fortnite addiction has been the subject of so much negative chatter recently, including the fact that it can land the player in video game rehab. I’ve read articles (some serious!) and seen so many (often hilarious) social media posts and memes about the dreaded craze over Fortnite. I was part of that dread for a …