What’s it like raising boys? I get that question a lot as a mom to three of them. My answer varies from “it’s an adventure” to “high energy” to “I sit in pee” to “so much more wrestling than I expected,” and everything in between. It’s like nothing I ever could have imagined and everything …
Back-to-School Shopping: A 7-step Guide on how to Survive
It’s back-to-school time again, and I’m sure many of you have already sent the kiddos off to their new classroom adventures. We start later this week where I live, so I took the time (risk? challenge? dare?) to do some last-minute back-to-school shopping with my boys this weekend. I was foolish to think it would …
Nature vs. Nurture: When Ordinary Happenings Become Full-Contact Sports (plus, a GIVEAWAY treat!)
Nature vs. nurture? Not even a question in my mind. I was enlightened when I became a Mother of Boys (M.O.B.). For anyone out there still debating nature vs. nurture, I know the answer. It’s nature, people! Nine years into being a M.O.B., I am still mind-blown by the otherwise ordinary activities that play out …