Helicopter Parenting: How to Land Your Aircraft for Good

“Helicopter parenting.  Don’t be a helicopter parent.”  Through the years, I’ve heard the phrase and the disdain that comes with it as other parents judge your completely “everything-must-be-perfect-for-my-baby” style of parenting.  But I didn’t quite know what it really entailed until recently. I was at a playdate with three good friends of mine, each of …

My Mother’s Love

A dear friend of mine recently lost his mom to the cruel disease, dementia.  In his memorial speech, he stated some powerful, emotional words, sharing what he has learned about love in the past few years.  To be the best (father, husband, friend . . .) he could be, he should “love others as my …

The order of the world world, according to my boys

Zombies are popular these days.  I’m pretty sure I never knew anything about them when I was a kid.  But, according to my boys, they inhabited this Earth even before dinosaurs.  I have so much to learn.  🙂 #mobtruths #boymom #parenting #evolution #raisingboys Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above …